Chapter 2- Impending doom

Jessica stared at the person beside her father. Wasn't that Uncle Lincoln, the head of her father's laboratory company? Why was he with her father?

She looked at her father and it looked like he was a little pale. Was something wrong? And why would this man come to their house? 

She remembered her father having a heated argument with him some months back. 

"Jessy, won't you say hi to your uncle?" Mr Graves said to his stupefied daughter.

"Hi, Uncle Lincoln!" Jessica said, dryly. There was something odd about this man that Jessica doesn't like but his father seems to trust him so much.

"Jessy, you are growing into a fine woman. How are your studies? I heard from your father you would be graduating soon. Good luck! " Uncle Lincoln said, smiling.

Jessica simply forced a smile out before continuing what she was doing. Her mind was feeling uneasy but she can't tell what it is.

As she was in deep thought, her father returned from escorting Uncle Lincoln out. She adjusted her mood and smiled brightly at her father. 

"Daddy, when did you get back? I thought mother was lying to me" Jessica said, walking towards her father.

Mr Graves smiled at his daughter before giving her a peck again. "How is my princess today? You must be engrossed in your studies that you didn't even feel my presence" 

"Daddy, I am so sorry. I… " 

" Princess, you don't have to apologize. Besides, I know how much you love your…" Mr Graves said, winking at his daughter." I am always supporting you from the sidelines" 

" That's why you are the best dad in the entire universe!" Jessica gave her dad a huge hug and the biggest smile ever!

She looked at her dad's smiling face and frowned." Dad, you look stressed. Are you okay? Is there a problem at the company?" 

"My princess, don't you trust your super daddy? Of course, there is nothing wrong with the office. I just strained myself a little because of the annual meeting coming up tomorrow" Mr Graves replied. 

" Are you sure daddy? You look stressed and all these bags under your eyes and Uncle Lincoln… "

" Princess, I am fine. Everything will be over tomorrow and when you are through with your exams we will go on a daddy and his little girl's outing" Mr Graves said, winking at his daughter again.

"Really dad? I can't wait to see Kristen's face when we go on vacation alone" Jessica said, grinning.

"You are still acting all giddy like a child. Don't you think we should take Kristen along too?" Mr Graves asked.

"No! She is going to tattle to mother!" Jessica shook her head. Her father just smiled and stroked her head like a child.

"Daddy, I am no longer a child. Why do you keep stroking my hair?"

" I know you are a big girl now and I am going to miss the fact that you are no longer a child," Mr Graves said, smiling. 

"What about you letting me go abroad for my master's?" Jessica asked, taking advantage of the mood.

" That's a no, Jessy. No further talks on this issue" Mr Graves said, not falling into her trap. 

Jessica knew she would fail at this bargain but she just had to give it a shot. She nodded her head as she stopped questioning him. 

Mrs Graves who just came in dragging the two rascals with her saw this scene. She cleared her throat, looking at the father and daughter suspiciously.

"What are you guys plotting behind my back?" She asked, still holding the twins tightly. 

"Honey, what's with that look?" Mr Graves asked, throwing his wife a sweet smile.

"I always get the chills whenever you are in cohorts with your daughter! I have told you several times that you are spoiling her… "

"Honey, how can a princess be spoiled? Did you forget she is our princess?" Mr Graves said.

"Daddy, if Jessy is the princess then who am I?" Kristen asked, glaring at Jessica.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, Kristen. But you are in no way a description of a princess or even close to it" Jessica said, holding back her laughter.

"Hey, Jessy. Don't be mean to your sister!" Mrs Graves said, scolding her older daughter. 

Kristen had always liked to dress as a boy. She fights with her twin brother over his clothes. She hardly wears her feminine clothes except they are boogie pants or tops. 

"You are my cute little princess!" Mr Graves replied, looking at his second daughter with affection.

His eyes roamed all over the twins and noticed they looked ruffled. What were they up to this time around?

"And what happened to them?" Mr Graves asked, looking at the two rascals who were looking ruffled.

"Long story. I give you guys ten minutes to get going and freshen up or you are grounded for two weeks!" Mrs Graves said, looking at them sternly. 

Jessica watched as the twins fled from the sitting room to their room. A beautiful and captivating smile was plastered on her face. 

She was happy that she was surrounded by the people she loves the most. Sometimes, she might find the twins annoying or let's say most times. Or her mother might sound annoying and intruding too. Or her father who showered all the love in the world on her might be the least annoying of them all.

But she was lucky she had a family. Not just any family but the richest in the entire Country!

The family of five had their dinner and played for a few minutes before they all headed to their separate rooms while the servants cleared the dining table. 

Mr Graves went to their bedroom followed by his wife. Immediately they got to the bedroom, he drew his wife towards him in a tight hug.

"I don't know what to do, Catherine. Those people had been planning for a long time" Mr Graves said, trying to hold back a tear.

"What could be their reason? What did you do to them that was unforgivable? I am guessing there is an insider" Mrs Graves complained, sobbing softly.

They had to put on an act these past weeks so the children won't notice the situation.

" What are we going to do now? These people would do anything to get our family down" She continued sobbing.

Mr Graves held his wife tighter as they poured out their sorrow in their bedroom. He closed his eyes as the thought of what those people did flashback.

Mr Graves was still baffled at the discoveries he just made. No matter how much they hid their tracks, he was able to detect them.

How could they be so wicked? What exactly do they want from him? Nevertheless, he was determined to fight till the end.

He won't let them get his family or…anything else! 

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