Chapter 10- Pervert!

The sound of the slap did not only echo around the Cafe but also made some weird sound in Edwin's ears. He never expected her to slap him. The most he expected was for her to reject the amount offered!

He hadn't imagined that she would even reject or slap him! He swore to teach her a lesson she would never forget! Did she know who he was in this country?

His eyes brimmed with anger at what Jessica had just done to him. Holding back his murderous aura, he became more determined to make her pay!

"How dare you!" He roared in anger, his eyes sparking off.

"I just dare it and I will dare again! Who the fuck do you think you are?" Jessica also asked in anger.

With all that was happening in her life, she felt degraded. Although she had encountered so many insulting events, she had never been degraded to this level. Offering to get her paid in exchange for her body? Did she look like a prostitute?

Seeing that he wasn't remorseful for the words he just uttered to her, Jessica cast him a disgusting glare. She was right after all to call him a pervert!

"Do you think every woman would jump to your bed because you offered them money?" Jessica spat out in anger.

Edwin wanted to answer her but he managed to hold himself back. If he made her angrier, he would lose the bet. But still, he felt humiliated by what Jessica did.

Luckily, there was no one else in the cafe except for his friends. He bite hard on his lips as he looked at her. It looks like he would need to use another approach on her.

"I am sorry, Miss. I am in the wrong" Edwin apologized before turning around to leave the Cafe.

Jessica was a bit stunned by his apology. She didn't think he was going to apologize seeing his arrogant nature.

Before he got to his car, his friends had run to him and they all drove off to another bar some blocks away.

"I can't believe you apologized to her!" Jay said, looking at Edwin in surprise.

"I also didn't expect that from you, man," Rick said, grinning." But then I still won"

Edwin just smirked as he packed his car at the entrance of the bar." Won? The game just started!"

His friends were surprised as they looked at his expression. The smirk on his face was laden with vengeance. They wondered what was wrong with him. Nevertheless, they followed him inside the bar.

It was their regular hangout and they have their room. Immediately they sat down, they ordered drinks and a pack of ice… for Edwin's face. It was a little red. It looks like the girl used a lot of force.

"You think I will just accept defeat after that bitch slapped me?" Edwin asked, grinding his teeth in anger.

Did she think she could go free after slapping him? She was lucky that he controlled himself. That girl was the first person to lay their hands on him. Even his grandpa had never touched him before!

"Three months. In less than three months, I will get her in my bed. Mark my words" Edwin said, gulping a full glass of wine.

"Man, that girl is a hard nut!" Jay said, trying to dissuade him.

"Hard nut? No matter how hard a nut is, it would still be cracked. Now, let's make the bet official!" Edwin said, grinning.

His friends looked at his determined face and shook their heads. This was the first time they have seen their friend looking so flustered.

As they were drinking, there was a call on Edwin's phone.

"What is it?"

"We need your final approval for the list of candidates applying. We need to reply to them before the end of today" the voice on the phone said.

"Alright. I will be there in less than thirty minutes"

Edwin excused himself from his friends and drove back to the office. When he got to his office, his desk was filled with the CVs of the candidate.

He scanned through them briefly, his eyes on the pictures of the young ladies too. That was when his eyes caught an interesting person.

Could fate be more interesting than this? He thought, an evil grin on his face. Pressing the intercom, he asked for his assistant.

This was indeed a rare fate and he was going to make good use of it.


The day had been hectic after that man left. She was lucky her boss wasn't present when she slapped the man earlier. Although the man deserved it, her boss won't have taken lightly disrespecting his customers.

It was time for clocking out of the cafe so she could start her work at the bar. No matter how tired she was, she had to work extra hard. She also needed to find another hourly paid job so she could pay her siblings' tuition fees.

As usual, she finished her night shift and walked home sluggishly and tiredly. Those men last night didn't say anything about her running away to her boss. They weren't around though, so she was safe for the time being.

When Jessica got home, she was so tired that she slumped on her bed without caring to shower. After resting for five minutes, she felt sticky. She decided to take her bath and afterward emailed to see if she had any notification from the places she applied for a job.

It would have been nice if she was accepted at the Turner group of companies but she knew that kind of prestigious company hardly accepts newbies like her.

After she had freshened up, she took a look at her emails and it was either filled with rejection or no reply at all. She sighed sadly. Jessica knew it would be a miracle if she got the job.

"These people are something else! How can someone gain experience when they are not even given the chance to work?" She muttered to herself, feeling depressed.

She attempted to close the computer when a notification popped up. She wondered who could have sent her mail. She took a peek and her gaze stuck to the screen.

"Turner Group of Companies?" She asked herself. Sighing, she opened the message slowly, knowing it was another rejection mail.

But the words on the screen made her eyes pop out and she almost screamed at the top of her lungs.

This can't be happening!

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